About Me

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We are spending the summer in Spain and hoping that this simple blog will keep our friends and family informed about our activities. Of course, if you want to follow this in chronological order, you have to start at the bottom of the blog. Also, by clicking on any of the blog photos you should be taken to a Flickr page with additional images of our trip.


Mallorca 100
Originally uploaded by MacYam
This has been our home for the past week. Federico´s place is in the background and we have been shacked up in the guest house. (You can see other pictures of the house by clicking on this photo and visiting our flickr site.) The house is about the same size as our apartment in Madrid but there are many more lizards feeding on the variety of tasty insects. The landscape around the house looks like more of the same, dry, rocky soil and scrubby, little plants. Olive trees everywhere and some other fruits. Lots of almonds are grown in Mallorca but not many people actually care for or harvest the fruits. It seems that Mallorca is primariliy a vactation destination for German and British citizens who own homes here but bother with the husbandry of the land. The grocery stores are full of German foods and German shoppers.


1 comment:

    for posting images of such golden redolence. I can smell and taste the rocks, the beach, the caves, and I LOVE Antonia's Indiana Jones hat!!! And I also REALLY appreciate the images of very good looking Spaniards in various states of undress. Well done!! Amanda, you look beautiful! Greg must be the photographer, I don't see him in any of the photos. :(
    I think my favorite picture aside from the one of Antonia though, is the picture of Curtis by himself at the shore, contemplating how wonderful the senses are, or whatever he was thinking about....
    What were you thinking about, Curtis?
