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We are spending the summer in Spain and hoping that this simple blog will keep our friends and family informed about our activities. Of course, if you want to follow this in chronological order, you have to start at the bottom of the blog. Also, by clicking on any of the blog photos you should be taken to a Flickr page with additional images of our trip.

Holy Toledo

Madrid 2009 253
Originally uploaded by MacYam
We just got back from two days in Toledo, 1/2 an hour from here by high speed train. Toledo likes to advertize itself as the city of three faiths because of its Jewish, Moorish and Christian history. We went right to the torture museum to see how that story ended. Curtis and Antonia were engrossed and grossed out by the sheer variety of ways in which the Spanish Inquisition went about its business. Amidst the chastity belts, anal reamers, head screws and bone crushers was a delightful illustration of medieval water-boarding. "Look kids, this is how we do it back home!" Who says Americans don´t have any sense of history?


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