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We are spending the summer in Spain and hoping that this simple blog will keep our friends and family informed about our activities. Of course, if you want to follow this in chronological order, you have to start at the bottom of the blog. Also, by clicking on any of the blog photos you should be taken to a Flickr page with additional images of our trip.

El Rincón

Madrid 2009 264
Originally uploaded by MacYam
This is how it goes: We wake up around 10:00, sometimes Amanda and I get up earlier and take a walk in the cool of the morning. The city is only waking up around 11:00 anyway. We eat a little breakfast and go out for a stroll. Today Amanda and Curtis went to the Plaza de Toros to buy tickets for Sunday´s round of bullfights, six matches starting at 8pm. Antonia and I went to the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza to have a look at an impressive collection of paintings. We return to the Hideout around 3:00 for lunch. This leads into siesta. Sometimes we nap, but it can be difficult to wake up so today we played cards and drank a lot of cold water. (We are having a heat wave with temperatures in the 30´s.) Around 6:00 we head out to our favorite watering hole, El Rincón, down the street on Espiritu Santu. El Rincón, like most of the places in our neighborhood, has a bit of a hipster vibe but mellow. Some young parents seem to run the place and it was recommended to us by our landlady. El Rincón serves a variety of cool beverages including a home-made vermouth on tap and a "vino verano" (summer wine) a combination of half red wine and half lemonade, on ice, of course. The Madrileños have an infinite capacity to sit and chat while they drink very slowly. We are trying to learn to slow down as we sit and chill out but the locals always seem to drink slower than we do. Of course they have a secret weapon; we are the only people in the room not smoking cigarettes.

After a drink and a little reading as we sit, we walk to the shops for some dinner ingredients. After dinner we will probably fall asleep but we should stay up. Tonight is Friday and this weekend is Gay Pride and we just happen to be living in the heart of Madrid´s Castro district. Streets are cordoned off, multiple stages have been erected throughout the neighborhood and every window on the street is flying the rainbow flag. If we do go to bed it will likely be too loud to sleep anyway so we might as well stay up until 5am like everyone else.



  1. Curtis,

    There was this American tourist who went to Madrid to view the bullfights. After the match, he grabbed something to eat. While he sat there in the restaurant, the man at the next table was served a scrumptuous-looking feast. The white meat was so juicy, smothered in onions and a special gravy. The tourist coveted this meal for himself and asked the waiter to bring him some of the same that his neighbor was enjoying.

    "I'm sorry, Senor," the waiter responded, "but these are the testicles of El Toro, butchered only a few minutes ago following the bullfight. As you know, there was only one bull fighting today. And, as you must be aware, each bull is equipped with only one set of these lovely accessories."

    The American was sorely disappointed as most Americans are when they discover they can't have everything their little hearts desire.

    "But what about tomorrow?" pleaded the tourist. "Can I request them for tomorrow's supper?"

    "Of course you may." answered the waiter.
    "Come in tomorrow about 10:00PM and the chef will prepare them for you."

    The tourist returned the next evening and was served his platter of testicles. But they were scrawny, little things -- not big and fully-packed like the platter he saw the previous night. So unappetizing was the sight of them that the American complained to the waiter.

    "Senior," the waiter explained, "today was an exceptional day at the bullfights. Today, El Toro won."

  2. It sounds like such a lovely day, and such a lovely pattern of days--
    I really wish that Theo and Jonathan and I were there to share it with you!! We miss you all very much.

    We are up to the usual mischief.
    Here's my day....
    - Arose about 6 a.m. to work on an essay.
    - Left the house at about 9 and ate a yogurt for breakfast while walking out the door and talking on my cell phone.
    - Did paperwork in the office till about 11:30 am.
    - Walked bills over to Dawn, spoke to several other helpful admin goddesses who make our work possible.
    - Met with the new HR Director about the new Registrar position.
    - Answered email.
    - Had a staff meeting with Elizabeth Spavento
    - Went to PAM for lunch with Lisa Claypool and Tina Olson
    (we have plans for you, Mr. M)
    - Drove over to Shirley's house to work on her book till about 5:30 p.m.
    - Got to the folks' house at 6 p.m. to pick up Theo bear.
    - Picked up Jonathan and had a very nice sushi meal in Beaverton.
    - Got home, made some work calls, more email.
    - Watched a Myth Busters episode with Theo.
    - Read Theo stories and cuddled for a while.
    - More email.
    - Read your blog and decided I HAD to work out my google issues so I could post.
    - Kept reading your blog, finished each entry.
    - Got my google issues worked out.
    - Now I am typing to you and it's 12:30 a.m.

    I'll write again soon. Thank you for such a lovely lovely window into your world. xox S
