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We are spending the summer in Spain and hoping that this simple blog will keep our friends and family informed about our activities. Of course, if you want to follow this in chronological order, you have to start at the bottom of the blog. Also, by clicking on any of the blog photos you should be taken to a Flickr page with additional images of our trip.

Döner Kebab

Madrid 2009 235
Originally uploaded by MacYam
We love döner kebab! I don´t care what anyone says about acorn-fed Iberian ham, when we come upon the kebab shop in the neighborhood there´s no looking back. Thankfully, kebab shops are everywhere and they are one of the few places that Antonia can get a vegetarian meal. Amanda was expressing some concerns in the kebab shop in Toledo that we were not eating more traditional Spanish food but I have no shame. Mostly run by Turkish immigrants, kebab is no different than our west coast fascination with burritos. Comida rapido!


1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the wonders of the doner kabab. They've been sustaining me wherever I've traveled in Europe. Give thanks to the Turks who came up with them -- this creation alone should qualify them for EU membership! John-boy
