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We are spending the summer in Spain and hoping that this simple blog will keep our friends and family informed about our activities. Of course, if you want to follow this in chronological order, you have to start at the bottom of the blog. Also, by clicking on any of the blog photos you should be taken to a Flickr page with additional images of our trip.

Statue People

Madrid 2009 216
Originally uploaded by MacYam
We have seen lots of statue people since we have been here. There has been a man covered in chocolate, someone completely silver, a matador, a native american and a street sweeper. The couple you see on the right have done this many times. We have seen the woman alone, and the man alone at times. Right now they are working together.


This is the principle form of street theater here in Madrid. All these frozen people. Everywhere you go people are coverd in some sort of filth, doing nothing and waiting for someone to give them money. I guess it is no different than many other jobs.


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