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We are spending the summer in Spain and hoping that this simple blog will keep our friends and family informed about our activities. Of course, if you want to follow this in chronological order, you have to start at the bottom of the blog. Also, by clicking on any of the blog photos you should be taken to a Flickr page with additional images of our trip.

The Fab 4+2

Madrid 2009 178
Originally uploaded by MacYam
Yesterday I had the good fortune of meeting Diana and Andres in Retiro park. They do a simple but wonderful Beatles routine with marionettes and I had been told of their work by some other puppeteers I know. When we got to the park yesterday, there they were. You can check out their blog at www.marionetasytiteres.blogspot.com

Of course the Beatles are completely captivating and familiar to everyone around the world so they draw a huge crowd. As we were talking with Diana the puppets were just hanging on the backdrop of the stage and people were still coming by to look at them. She said, "These puppets work by themselves, they don´t even need us." Another nice bit of their schtick is that they perform to obscure Beatles outtakes with lots of stops and starts and inter-band chit- chat so the puppets have lots of opportunities to banter before they get down to business. Also, Diana always operates Ringo and she is totally on the beat.

Diana and Andres just moved to Marid from Barcelona because Barcelona, according to Diana, has recently outlawed street performing. I´ll have to look into this. It sounds unbelievable, but since this is how they make their living they had no choice but to get out of town.


1 comment:

  1. OK, I've been reading and looking at pictures, and just generally stewing in jealousy and spite. I mean, being happy at your great adventures, and that you're sharing them with us. But this one leads to an obvious question: where are the videos?
